Nutrient Dynamics in the Floodplain Wetlands of West Bengal

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  • Das A.K. Reservoir Division of Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Bangalore


Beels, limno-chemistry, nutrients, macrophyte, productivity


The results of the study on the nutrient dynamics of eleven floodplain wetlands (beels) in West Bengal are reported. In the beels of Dinajpur phosphorus has become a limiting factor for production due to acidic soil (pH 5.6-5.9}. Total nitrogen was significantly high in most of the beels especially during monsoon and post-monsoon months. Majority of the beels were infested with macrophytes in the littoral zones. A significantly high concentration of essential nutrients was recorded in the weed infested littoral areas while they were less in the weedfree limnetic zones. The C/N ratio was recorded in the production range (5-13) in many of the beels except in weed-chocked Nehali beel where the ratio was extremely high (39-55) owing to the accumulation of undecomposed organic matters at the bottom.


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How to Cite

A.K., D. (2012). Nutrient Dynamics in the Floodplain Wetlands of West Bengal. Fishery Technology, 41(2).