Damage of Sinoxylon anale Lesne on timber of Albizia lebbeck

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  • R. Bajpai Department of Forestry, JNKVV, Jabalpur


Sinoxylon anale, Albizia lebbeck, wood damage


Sinoxylon anale (Lesne) is one of the most destructive wood borer found in India attacking a variety of trees. The beetle bore readily through the bark in to the inner sapwood which later turns parallel to the outer sapwood circumference. It is a common species in forest timber depots, saw mills etc. Art experiment was initiated during Jan. 2006 to study the effect damage effect of wood borer Sinoxylon anale Lesne in felled tree of Ailbizia lebbeck (siris) a popular tree yielding fodder, fuel and timber and is a major component in Agrisilviculture system. Trees of different diameter class (viz; 0-6, 6-11, 11-16, 16-21, 21-26, 26-31, 31-36 and 36-41 cm) were felled during the year 2005 (at the age of 17 yrs) to estimate biomass production. Ten centimeter thickness disc were removed from main bole, branches and sub branches from both lower and upper portion of logs (nearly 3 m long), to find out intensity of damage, peak infestation period of Sinoxylon anale (Lesne). Maximum damage was recorded in disc on main trunk as compared to branch and sub branch damage. Damage was noticed on outer periphery of the disc (3 cm). No damage was recorded in the hard wood. The depth of damage hole was also maximum (7.5 cm) in main trunk disc. Dust emerging out from damaging portion of the disc was also recorded. Twenty seven grams was recorded during the month of August, which also showed peak infestation period as compared to other damaging periods i.e. month of April (11 g) and June (21 g) of Sinoxylone anale.









How to Cite

Bajpai, R. (2020). Damage of Sinoxylon anale Lesne on timber of Albizia lebbeck. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 9(2). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJA/article/view/100433