Selection of Plant Type for Higher Biomass in Prosopis Species Using Correlation and Path Analysis

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  • J.C. Tewari Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur - 342003
  • L.N. Harsh Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur - 342003
  • D. Tripathi Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur - 342003
  • M.D. Bohra Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur - 342003
  • N.K. Sharma Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur - 342003


Correlations, crown diameter, path analysis, Prosopis spp


Correlations and path analysis were worked out in three-year-old progeny trial of five different Prosopis species viz. P nigra, P chilensis, P flexuosa, P alba and Prosopis species - preuvian. All the correlations between plant height, collar diameter, crown diameter and biomass were found to be positive. Correlation coefficients were the maximum between plant height and collar diameter and ranged from 0.79 (Pchilensis) to 0.87 (Prosopis species - peruvian). Path analysis revealed that maximum direct effect towards biomass was contributed by collar diameter in P nigra (0.48), P alba (0.36) and Prosopis species – peruvain (0.38). However, in case of Pchilensis plant height had maximum direct effect towards biomass (0.36). In P flexuosa, crown diameter contributed maximum in this respect (0.51). Residual effects were high in all the cases and ranged from 0.56, in P chilensis to 0.73 in P flexuosa.









How to Cite

Tewari, J., Harsh, L., Tripathi, D., Bohra, M., & Sharma, N. (2020). Selection of Plant Type for Higher Biomass in Prosopis Species Using Correlation and Path Analysis. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 3(1).