Rearing practices of migratory sheep and goats in Himachal Pradesh: A case study of Gaddi tribe

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  • M.S. Pathania Deptt. of Agril Economics, CSK H P K V, Palampur- 176 062. H.P., India
  • Inder Dev ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi-284 003. U.P., India


Gaddi tribe, grazing pattern, migratory grazier, morbidity, mortality


The economy of Gaddi tribes is mainly agro-pastoral with animal husbandry the main occupation. Sheep and goats rearing is the major profession of Gaddi tribe in Himachal Pradesh who lead a very hard life. The number of sheep and goats reared per household was about 120 and 49. The sheep and goats were grazed for 7 to 8 hrs day-1 on common forest/pasture lands during different seasons. Maximum number of graziers stayed at higher hills for four months. The proportion of males migrated with sheep and goats were higher than females. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) was largely observed in plains. Both infection and mortality were more in plains as compared to migration to hills. The major components of rearing cost were labourer’s charges followed by expenses incurred on medicines and shearing. There was no expenditure on fodder as the entire flock was grazed on common (forest/pasture) lands in hills and plains. Income from sheep as well as goats was more in plains as compared to hills because of lack of market facilities in higher hills.









How to Cite

Pathania, M., & Dev, I. (2020). Rearing practices of migratory sheep and goats in Himachal Pradesh: A case study of Gaddi tribe. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 17(1).

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