Agroforestry research methodology with special reference to the biophysical aspects of tropical homegardens

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  • B.M. Kumar Arunachal University of Studies
  • T.K. Kunhamu College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University


Experimental approaches for complex systems such as agroforestry involve deeper exploration of the biophysical interactions among the crop components. Tropical homegardens in particular are such complex multi strata systems undergoing multifarious levels of interactions both at aboveground and belowground. Hence the scientific research on such systems should have
adequate methodological backing which should be robust and technically sound. Adherence to such innovative methods and approaches help to generate quality data for further analysis for delivering meaningful interpretations. Lack of uniformity in research methodologies often lead to poor scientific understanding of the systems and poor comparison of the productivity and
functionality of various systems. This article offers a sound account of the methodological approaches that can be followed for unravelling the scientific underpinnings of various growth patterns and interactions among the components in multistrata agroforestry systems such as homegardens. Elaborate methodological approaches has been discussed with focus on inventory
and diversity of homegardens, nutrient cycling, litter and fine root dynamics, root distribution studies using radioisotopes and assessment of carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil. 






How to Cite

Kumar, B., & Kunhamu, T. (2022). Agroforestry research methodology with special reference to the biophysical aspects of tropical homegardens. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 24(3).

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