Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of Eucalyptus clones using SSR markers

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  • Harmandeep Kaur Department of Forestry & NR, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, Punjab
  • Amandeep Mittal School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, Punjab
  • G.P.S. Dhillon Department of Forestry & NR, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, Punjab
  • R.I.S. Gill Department of Forestry & NR, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, Punjab


Genetic fingerprinting, genomic, EST-SSR markers, Eucalyptus tereticornis clones


In current study, commercially recommended 16 Eucalyptus tereticornis clones and E. grandis were characterized using a set of 30 genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and six expressed sequence tags (EST) microsatellite markers that amplified 238 alleles. On an average, 5.5 alleles were amplified per locus. The Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) value for a marker ranged from 0.30 to 0.91. Genetic diversity among the eucalypt clones was analyzed by using NT SYS. The dendrogram analysis divided Eucalyptus genotypes into two major clusters and the genetic distance ranged from 0.13 to 0.48. The maximum similarity was observed between clones PE-3 and PE-12. Whereas, E. grandis seedlings and E. tereticornis clone C-417 showed highest diversity among the genotypes analyzed. 21 SSR markers generated 45 specific/unique alleles in 13 genotypes imparting high discriminating potential for differentiating genotypes. The diverse clones identified in the study would be useful for developing the intraspecific hybrids to exploit the hybrid vigour and for commercial cultivation to broaden genetic base of existing population.









How to Cite

Kaur, H., Mittal, A., Dhillon, G., & Gill, R. (2020). Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis of Eucalyptus clones using SSR markers. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 20(1).

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