Value added products from under-utilised livestock dairy farm resources (wastes): The possibilities and prospects

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  • N. S. R. Sastry Retired Professor LPM from Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar; founder editor of IJAPM from 1986 to 1990; present Chief Patron of the IJAPM.


The major under-utilized resources on livestock farms are the wastes generated as animal dung, urine and unused or trodden feed and litter wastes like straws. Urine and spent water from washing in milking parlours constitute the liquid wastes, besides wash water from milk handling yards. Disposal of excreta and other wastes from animal houses is a bothersome yet crucial activity. Such waste material has a good value as manure if properly handled. Or, if left not cleared, they can also provide an ideal breeding place for pathogens and disease carrying insects. The best way is to handle livestock wastes systematically and produce Value Added Products (VAP) from them in an environment-friendly manner. This is a big industry already. From the traditional manure, to the cosmetics and medicines, a variety of such VAPs can be made to enhance the income of the livestock farmers in a sustainable manner; for such products were recognized by US FDA. These aspects are discussed in this article, which may be considered as a motivation article, rather than a review.

Author Biography

  • N. S. R. Sastry, Retired Professor LPM from Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar; founder editor of IJAPM from 1986 to 1990; present Chief Patron of the IJAPM.

    Retired Professor of LPM of Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana



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How to Cite

Sastry, N. S. R. (2022). Value added products from under-utilised livestock dairy farm resources (wastes): The possibilities and prospects. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 36(3-4), 69-96.