Dairy animal welfare: Review on scientific concept and assessment methodologies

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  • R. ROY CHOUDHURY1 R. J. DEKA Department of Livestock Production and Management College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University Khanapara, Guwahati-781022, Assam


Welfare of the dairy cows is one of the major
concerns in most of the developing countries due
its impact on the productivity of cows, health of the
animal, climate as well as on public health in the
present day context. Consumers are increasingly
more aware of the impact of dairy cow welfare
on public health, dairy product safety and health
propriety as well as environmental protection. As
a result, to-day more and more consumers are
oriented towards buying products from animals
whose welfare is not threatened and where it is
guaranteed that the products from farm animals are
in the line with the standards of good husbandry
practices in the farm.
Animals are used by human for production
of food, clothing, draught power, companionship,
recreation, scientific research and education. In all
cases some degree of modification of the genetic
and/or environment of the species concern has
taken place1. Those responsible for the animals and
society as a whole, have a duty to ensure that the
welfare of animals is not unacceptably compromised
in this process.
Animal welfare has been receiving growing
reorganization in the Veterinary field, especially
since 1990s2.

Author Biography

  • R. ROY CHOUDHURY1 R. J. DEKA, Department of Livestock Production and Management College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University Khanapara, Guwahati-781022, Assam
    1* Corresponding author: Professor & Head (LPM), College of
    Veterinary Sciences, Khanapara, Assam
    2 Assistant Professor (LPM), College of Veterinary Sciences,
    Khanapara, Assam






How to Cite

R. J. DEKA, R. R. C. (2017). Dairy animal welfare: Review on scientific concept and assessment methodologies. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 32(3-4). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAPM/article/view/73344