Energy efficiency of integrated crop-livestock-fish farming system for lowland irrigated ecology of eastern region, India
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Energy, Integrated farming, Small and marginal farmer, Lowland irrigated ecology.Abstract
An integrated farming system (IFS) model was developed and assessed at ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna during 2015–19. The aim of the study was to analyze energy input-output relationship of the IFS model. The IFS model comprised of field crops, vegetables, fruits, green fodder, cattle, fish, duck and vermicomposting components. The analysis revealed total energy input in the IFS model as 112.62 GGJ and total energy output as 211.12 GJ. Energy use efficiency of the IFS model was analyzed to be 1.87, net energy gain recorded as 98.5 GJ. The direct and indirect energy inputs were estimated to be 14.06 GJ and 98.56 GJ, respectively while renewable and non-renewable energy inputs were estimated to be 85.04 and 27.58 GJ, respectively. Further, the total energy input in dairy unit was estimated to be 70.3 GJ of which 68.3 GJ was provided through feed, which accounted for 97% of total energy input in dairy unit, and 60% of the total energy input in IFS model. Furthermore, energy input in the forms of labour, fossil fuel, electricity, fertilizers and machinery was required maximum in the field crops while water energy input was required maximum in fish pond. Results showed that individual farming of fish, duck and cattle is not viable in terms of energy use efficiency. However, the IFS model as a whole was found to be energy efficient and can be adopted in lowland irrigated ecologies of the eastern region of the country.
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