Manganese availability and transformations in soil profiles under different wheat based cropping systems in north-western India

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  • SHREYANSH MITTAL Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab 141 004, India
  • SAT PAL SAINI PAU, Ludhiana
  • PRITPAL SINGH Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab


DTPA-Mn, Sequential extraction of Mn, Cropping systems, Soil properties


Long-term (>10 years) changes in depth-wise distribution of DTPA-Mn and Mn fractions of variable solubility
in soils under three different cropping systems, viz. rice-wheat (RWCS), maize-wheat (MWCS) and cotton-wheat
(CWCS) in Ludhiana, Ropar and Mansa districts of Punjab, north-western India were studied during 2005–18. The
surface (0–15 cm) layer of soils under RWCS had significantly lower (by ~31.8%) DTPA-Mn concentration, compared
to MWCS. The surface soils under CWCS had ~18.4% higher DTPA-Mn than the soils under RWCS. The DTPA-Mn
increased significantly with increased depth of soils under RWCS, in contrast to a significant decrease in MWCS and
CWCS. A sequential extraction of Mn in different fractions of variable solubility revealed that the surface layer of
soils under RWCS had significantly lower concentration, while the lower layers had higher concentration. The Res-
Mn fraction comprised the largest proportion (67–70%) of total-Mn in soils under different cropping systems. The
(WSEX+SpAD)-Mn fraction was the smallest Mn fraction of high solubility, comprising ~2–3% of total-Mn in soils
under different cropping systems. The relative distribution of different fractions was OM-Mn≤WSEX-Mn≤SpADMn<
AFeOX-Mn<CFeOX -Mn < Ox-Mn< residual-Mn.


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How to Cite

MITTAL, S., PAL SAINI, S., & SINGH, P. (2022). Manganese availability and transformations in soil profiles under different wheat based cropping systems in north-western India. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(6), 689-694.