Combined effect of margosa oil and diflubenzuron on tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) and gram podborer (Helicoverpa armigera)

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  • C Durairaj
  • M S Venugopal


A laboratory experiment was conducted during 1992 to study the combined effect of margosa (Azadtrachta indica A. Juss.) oil and diflubenzuron in various combinations on tobacco caterpillar [Spodoptera Iitura (Fabr.)] and gram podborer [Helicoverpa armigera (HObn.)]. The insecticidal effect was assessed by their anti-feedant, morphogenetic effect and larval mortality. Margosa oil 2% + diflubenzuron 0.015% recorded the lowest leaf area (9.3 cm<sup>2</sup>) fed and faecal peUet weight (63 mg) with earlier larval mortality on tobacco caterpillar. In gram podborer the maximum anti-feedant activity with lowest faecal pellet weight (0.139 g) and earlier larval mortality (at 13 days after treatment) were recorded in margosa oil 2% + diflubellZllron 0.03 %. The larval mortality was due to difficulty in moulting between various stages of larval instars and the formation of larval-pupal mosaics.


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How to Cite

Durairaj, C., & Venugopal, M. S. (2012). Combined effect of margosa oil and diflubenzuron on tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) and gram podborer (Helicoverpa armigera). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 65(4).