Long-term quantitative and qualitative changes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and soil parameters under cultivars, cropping systems and nutrient management options

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Upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, Cultivars, Cropping systems, NPK nutrients, Farmyard manure, Soil parameters, Fibre quality, Economics


A long-term field experiment was undertaken during 1993-94 to 2002-03 on cotton (Goss),pitmz hirsuttlnr L.) on a black clay loam(Typic haplustalfs) soils at Coimbatore under irrigated condition to study the long term effect of adopted genotypes and nutrient schedules on the performance of cotton-based cropping systems and soil properties. Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] was introduced in the most prevailing cropping system of cotton-fallow to see the effect on both the crops. The performance of genotypes was studied by inclusion of suitable variety and hybrid of the region along with different combinations of the nutrient (N, P and K) applications. Results show that growing of sorghum in cotton-fallow, raised seed cotton yield significantly to the tune of 0.43 tonneha in addition to sorghum grain yield of 7.7 tonnesiha over the years. Improved root and plant growth, yield attributes, lesser weed growth and better physical and chemical condition of the soil attributed to such a favourable performance of cotton following sorghum. However additional benefits were not pertinent following changes of genotype in terms of cotton yield. Contrarily, integration ofvarious nutrients to cotton, viz N, P, K @ 30, 13,25 kgha respectively along with farmyard manures @ 5 tonnesiha could be a viable and sustainable option over the years. Soil and fibre properties were not much influenced by genotype and nutrient management options.


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How to Cite

PRAHARAJ, C. S., & RAJENDRAN, T. P. (2011). Long-term quantitative and qualitative changes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and soil parameters under cultivars, cropping systems and nutrient management options. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77(5). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAgS/article/view/3360