Effect of recycling of seri-vermicompost on growth, yield and nutrients of maize (Zea mays)

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  • R SHANMUGAM Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003
  • K RAMAMOORTHY Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India



B, C ratio, Maize, Nutrient uptake, Productivity, Quality, Seriwaste


Field experiments were conducted at Thalingipalayam block (Avinashi, block), Tamil Nadu (India) during kharif and rabi seasons of 2011-2012 to study the effect of recycling of seriwaste compost (organic manure) with other organics and inorganics on the productivity of maize crop. The experiments were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Two source of organic manures, viz. seriwaste compost + animal and poultry wastes were imposed along with Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) levels (150:75:75 kg/ha), viz. 100% of Recommended Dose of Fertilizer (RDF) (T1), 75% of RDF + 25% organic manure (T2), 50% of RDF + 50% organic manure (T3), 25% of RDF + 75% organic manure (T4), 100% of RDF+75% of organic manure (T5), 100% organic manure alone (T6) and absolute control (T7). Organic manures applied to crop of maize with different levels of NPK to all plots. The results revealed that 100% RDF + 75% organic manure were increased the growth and, yield attributes, yield and nutrients, which was followed by 50% RDF +50% organic manure with enhanced B/C ratio.


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How to Cite

SHANMUGAM, R., & RAMAMOORTHY, K. (2014). Effect of recycling of seri-vermicompost on growth, yield and nutrients of maize (Zea mays). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(8), 982–6. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v84i8.43106