Thermal requirement of oilseed Brassica cultivars at different phenological stages under varying environmental conditions

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  • Sumana Roy National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • R L Meena National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • K C Sharma National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • Vinod Kumar National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • C Chattopadhyay National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • S A Khan National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
  • N.V.K Chakravarthy National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan


Brassica, Growing degree-days, Phenological stages, Sowing dates, Temperature, Seed yield


Field experiments were conducted during three post rainy (rabi) seasons of 2001-2004 at Bharatpur, New Delhi and Mohanpur to study the effect of sowing dates and cultural environment on accumulation of growing degree-days vis-a-vis occurrence of different phenological events on oilseed Brassica cultivars 'Varuna', 'Rohini', 'Pusa Jaikisan' [Brassica juncea (L.) Czem. and Coss.] and 'Binoy' (B, rapa L. var yellow sarson) sown at seven-day intervals starting from 1 October. October sown crop recorded higher seed yield due to exposure to higher growing degree-days. Variations were also noticed among locations. Equation developed from the study can be used for simulation of phenology and growth of mustard.


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How to Cite

Roy, S., Meena, R. L., Sharma, K. C., Kumar, V., Chattopadhyay, C., Khan, S. A., & Chakravarthy, N. (2005). Thermal requirement of oilseed Brassica cultivars at different phenological stages under varying environmental conditions. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 75(11).