A novel sustainable aeroponic system for healthy seed potato production in India – An update
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Aeroponic, Soil-less production, Virus-free seed potatoAbstract
High yielding varieties and sound planting materials are prerequisites for sound seed potato production. Low multiplication rate, high seed (tuber) rate, dynamic amassing of degenerative infections, perishability and massiveness are the inherent issues in seed potato production. This may result in non-accessibility/non-availability of sufficient amounts of value seeds at reasonable cost and seed cost alone reflects 40% which is half of the aggregate expenses of development in potato. To go around a portion of these issues, a few alterations, for example, tuber ordering for infection opportunity, seed increase stages and seed accreditation guidelines have been created and incorporated with regular potato seed generation programs. The advent of tissue culture, in which virus-free plants can be produced through meristem culture, maintained indefinitely under controlled conditions and multiplied in artificial media under sterile conditions in the laboratory throughout the year irrespective of growing season, has revolutionized seed production in potato world over. Recent developments in automation of minitubers production have further enhanced adaptability of these techniques in potato seed production. In addition to quality assurance through meristem culture, aeroponic technique of minitubers production ensures high multiplication rate at initial stages of quality seed potato production.Downloads
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