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Author Guidelines

● PRESENTATION OF MANUSCRIPTS Contributions should be short and to the point, highlighting original observations and their significance. Manuscript should be typed carefully in double space with 1” margins (Times New Roman, font size 12). All the measurements should pertain to metric system.

● FORMAT AND ARRANGEMENT OF PAPERS Every full length article should be divided under the heads, ABSTRACT and Key words, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION followed by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any) and REFERENCES. Short Communication should be in running form without any headings but should include ABSTRACT and Key words.

● TITLE PAGE OF THE ARTICLE should contain the following: i) Folio including a) A short running title, not exceeding 40 letters (one line) and b) Surnames of all the authors (second line) all in capitals at the top of the page. ii) Title of the article with subtitle (if any) with the first letter of each word in capitals. iii) The full name(s) of the author(s) in capital letters. iv) Full postal address of the Department/Institution where the work was carried out. v) Address for correspondence including e mail. vi) Footnote including the present address(es) of the author(s) if different than the institutional address, and other matters, if any.

● ABSTRACT: Abstract of about 200 words, written in complete sentences should be submitted with both full length articles as well as short communications. It should be written as an informative digest containing a very brief account of materials, methods, results and conclusions, but should not include any reference to the text, illustrations and tables. Key words: Upto 8 words should follow the abstract including all the areas required to be indexed, even if not reflected in the title e.g. for the article entitled “Villi in Large Intestine of Neonatal Bovine Calves”. The Key words based on the text may include “Large intestine, caecum, colon, villi, cow, histology”.

● INTRODUCTION: The introduction (without heading) should briefly state the aims and objectives. The review of literature pertinent to the problem should be included.

● MATERIALS AND METHODS: The relevant details of the materials used and methods employed should be described briefly. If the methods used are established and well recognized, only a reference to them will serve the purpose. New methods, of course, are required to be detailed out. The statistical methods employed should be clearly stated.

● RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results are best given in the words explaining and summarizing the data shown in tables, graphs or other figures. The same data should not normally be presented in both tabular and graphical form. The tables and figures should be properly referred to in the text. The relation of results to previous work and their significance should be discussed briefly but prominently. The different results obtained by different methods should be justified. Also one’s own observations should be discussed clearly to draw the conclusions.

● ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: All acknowledgements, including those of grants etc. should be grouped together in this section.

● REFERENCES: All the published references cited in the text should be included in the list of references and vice-versa. The unpublished data and personal communications can be cited in the text in the same manner as other references but not included in list of references. If there are more than one references by the same author(s) with the same year of publication, these should be recognized properly both in the text and list of references by using suffix such as a, b, c etc. after the year of publication. CITATION OF REFERENCES IN THE TEXT should be as per the following examples. Single author: Pearse (1972) or (Pearse, 1972). Two authors: Barka and Anderson (1963) or (Barka and Anderson, 1963). More than two authors: Scott et al. (1963) or (Scott et al., 1963). More than one reference: Chandra Pal and Bhardwaj (1989); Lalitha (1990); Sharma et al. (1998) or (Chandra Pal and Bhardwaj, 1989; Lalitha, 1990; Sharma et al., 1998). LIST OF REFERENCES should be arranged in alphabetical order of author’s name (without serial number) under the heading “REFERENCES”. In case of more than one reference by the same author(s), these should be arranged in chronological order and be given in full, avoiding the use of ibid or dash (-) etc. The journal’s name should not be abbreviated and the reference should be listed as per the example below: If the reference is to the article in a journal: Roy, K.S., Das, L.N. and Nanda, B.S. 1989. Histoenzymic study of the diaphragm of buffalo. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 1: 1-5. If the reference is to a book: Nickel, R., Schummer, A. and Seiferle, E. 1986. The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Vol. 1, The Locomotor System of the Domestic Mammals. pp. 52-53, 333-335. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin. If the reference is to a book whose chapters are written by different authors: Stinson, A.W. and Calhoun, M.L. 1987. Digestive System. In Textbook of Veterinary Histology (Eds.) H.D.Dellmann and E.M. Brown. 3rd edn., pp. 231-235. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

● TABLES: Tables (if any) should be self explanatory but shortest possible, appropriately titled, typed on separate page, numbered consequently in Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1, Table 2 etc.), be properly referred to in the text and placed following the list of references. Table should contain summaries of observations rather than records of numerous individual findings. Large sized tables are likely to be rejected.

● FIGURES: Photographs/line drawings (coloured or black & white) should be properly labelled and of good resolution. All illustrations should be of actual size as these should appear after publication and be referred in the text by their numbers e.g. (Fig. 1) or (Figs. 1, 2, 5) or (Figs. 1-4) etc. The legends should be typed on separate page(s) and placed in the end of the manuscript. Every illustration should be saved in jpeg format by the number and short name of the author. If the number of photographs is more then the photographs may be combined to form a plate at the time of first submission. However, the photographs must be submitted individually in jpeg format at the time of revision of the article.

● CHARGES: Authors will be charged as per number of pages and photographs (B&W/coloured) of the research paper.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript has been checked by all the authors (Please submit form by signature/s). The scanned copy with details of all the authors i.e. name, designation, email address, present address along with their signatures has been uploaded as supplimentary file with the article.

    S.No.Name & DesignationPresent Address with e mailSignature

    (Signature of Corresponding author)

  • A due credit has been given to all the contributors and the authors agree to the sequence of authorship.
  • The manuscript (complete or in part) neither has been rejected previously nor under consideration in any form in any other journal.
  • Prior permission has been taken from the competent authorities if needed for the conduct of experiment.
  • The manuscript has been typed in MS WORD (Times New Roman, font size 12) and photographs in jpeg format.
  • The decision of Editorial Board will be final.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.