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  • N.S. Sunilkumar Assistant Professor, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy
  • K V Jamuna Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary College, Bangalore
  • N. M. Rajashailesha Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary College, Hassan
  • M. H. Girish Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary College, Bidar
  • R. V. Prasad Dean, Veterinary College, Shivamoga


Buffalo, Cytoarchitecture, Abducent nucleus


The morphology of the abducent nucleus of the buffalo has been described by materials collected from eight buffalos. Nissl and myelin stained serial and semi serial sections of brain stem were used for the study. The abducent nucleus in the buffalo extended from the cranial pole of the rostral cochlear nucleus to the caudal pole of the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. An accessory abducent nucleus which is present in amphibians, reptiles, birds and some mammals could not be identified in the buffalo. The nucleus appeared as a rounded body in its caudal pole and was roughly triangular at rostral pole in transverse sections. The average length of motor nucleus of abducent nerve in the buffalo was 2.4 mm. The average maximum width and height of the nucleus was 1.48mm and 1.75 mm respectively.


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How to Cite

N.S. Sunilkumar, K V Jamuna, N. M. Rajashailesha, M. H. Girish, & R. V. Prasad. (2023). STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF ABDUCENT NUCLEUS IN THE BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research, 45(1), 530-533.