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  • D. Kasiviswanathan Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai - 600 007
  • P. Devendran Professor and Head, Bioinformatics Centre, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai - 600 007
  • R. Venkataramanan Professor, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, TANUVAS, MMC, Chennai - 51
  • S. Meenakshi Sundaram Director, Centre for Animal Production Studies, TANUVAS, MMC, Chennai - 51
  • G. Senthil Kumar Associate Professor, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Chennai - 52


Jersey crossbred cattle, Lactation length, Milk yield, Non-genetic factors


Test day milk yield data of 81,653 Jersey crossbred cows reared under farmers’ production system in Tamil Nadu state, over a period of 24 years (1999-2022) were utilised to determine the effects of non-genetic factors viz. agroclimatic zone, period of calving, season of calving and parity on lactation traits.  The production traits considered were 305-day milk yield (305DMY), total lactation milk yield (TMY), 180-day milk yield (180DMY), peak yield (PY), days to attain PY and lactation length (LL), the least-squares means of which were 2458.82 ± 7.02 kg, 2470.77 ± 7.04 kg, 1657 ± 4.71 kg, 10.69 ± 0.03 kg, 73.22 ± 0.56 days and 298.09 ± 0.17 days respectively. The agroclimatic zone had significant (P<0.01) influence on all the lactation traits studied with Western zone having the highest mean (2763.08 kg) for 305DMY followed by North Western zone and Cauvery Delta zone while North Eastern zone had the least (2066.85 kg) milk yield. Both period and season of calving significantly (P<0.01) affected all the traits. The estimated means of 305 DMY, TMY and 180DMY of 2960.99 kg, 2987.38 kg and 1934.75 kg respectively in period P2 (2004-2007) were significantly higher compared to other periods while period P1 (1999-2003) had the least milk production. Cows that gave birth in Northeast monsoon and Summer seasons produced more milk comparatively. Parity also had highly significant (P<0.01) influence on all the traits studied with cows above third lactation producing higher milk yield. The influence of non-genetic factors found on milk production of cows, revealed in this study will be useful in planning future breeding and management interventions for improving the milk production of the Jersey crossbred cattle under farmers’ production system in Tamil Nadu. 


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How to Cite

D. Kasiviswanathan, P. Devendran, R. Venkataramanan, S. Meenakshi Sundaram, & G. Senthil Kumar. (2023). NON-GENETIC FACTORS AFFECTING MILK PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF JERSEY CROSSBRED CATTLE UNDER FARMERS’ PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN TAMIL NADU. Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research, 52(5), 68-79.