Fungicidal management of foliar diseases of mustard in mid-eastern India

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  • R.B. SINGH and R.N. SINGH


Brassica juncea, Alternaria blight, white rust, downy mildew, yield loss, fungicidal management


Alternaria blight (AB), white rust (WR), and downy mildew (OM) of mustard caused by Alternaria brassicae, A. bressicicote; Albugo candida and Peronospora parasitica, respectively, occur severely across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Seed treatment with Apron 35 SO @ 06g kg1 gave only marginal, though significantly superior, disease control and yield gain over untreated check with cost-benefit ratio of 1: 8.8. Seed treatment combined with three foliar sprays of Mancozeb 75% WP (0.2%) at 15 days interval, beginning 45 days after sowing, resulted in lowest AB, highest seed yield and cost-benefit ratio of 1:5.2. It was followed by foliar sprays of Mancozeb 75% WP alone in all respects. Highest avoidable losses due to the combined effect of these diseases in seed yield, seed test weight and oil content were 34.7,13.1 and 4.2%, respectively. NOR 8501 performed best under unprotected and Varuna under protected condition, former giving higher seedtest weight.




Research Articles

How to Cite

R.N. SINGH, R. S. and. (2005). Fungicidal management of foliar diseases of mustard in mid-eastern India. Indian Phytopathology, 58(1), 51-56.