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Author Guidelines

Two issues are published in a year, first issue in June and the second issue in December.

The language of the Journal is English.

Article or its parts submitted to this journal for publication should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Any thing otherwise, would be the sole responsibility of the author. For publication of any article (except invited articles) in the Journal it is mandatory that all the authors are the members of the society and steps towards the publication will be taken only when all the authors are the members of the society.

The authors are advised to look into a latest issue of the Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research for preparation of manuscript for publication.

Article manuscript complete in all respect is to be submitted online on this portal.  However, the uploaded manuscript should not contain the names of the authors and the organization address to which they belong for ensuring blind review. The author details (Names and affiliations) should be filled properly at the time of submission and should be uploaded as a separate file during submission. The receipt of the manuscript will be communicated (electronically). All the subsequent correspondences regarding the Manuscript will be done electronically only. Utmost attempts are made to expedite review of Manuscripts and publish the accepted ones at the earliest opportunity.

Manuscript: Articles for publication should be as concise as possible. Full-length paper should not exceed 20 typed pages (A4 size page, typed double spaced in 12 pt., Times New Roman font, justified alignment, 2.5 cm margin on each side) including Tables, illustrations, etc. Short notes should not exceed 10 typed pages of above specifications. Authors should take care to add line numbers during the preparation of the manuscript. For preparation of the manuscript the author can use the template in word file available in the society's website - 

Sequence for full-length paper: Short title, Title, Author(s)' name, Institute address, e-mail id of corresponding author, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement (if any), References, Figures (if any) and Tables (if any). 

Sequence for Short communication: Short title and Title are to be followed by Abstract, Key words, Short Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, etc. Formal headings are not given for Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion sections but those are briefly described.  The Author(s)' name, Institute address, etc. are to be given at the end of the manuscript followed by the References section, Figures and Tables. The other instructions are the same as for the Full-length paper.

Short title: It is to be given at the top of the first page of the manuscript and should not exceed 40 characters in 12pt. (Times New Roman) in Sentence case as: ˜'Saline water use'. The short title should indicate the topic in a most concise form.

Title: Except for prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and articles the first letter of each word should be in capital letter, bold, 14 pt. (Times New Roman) single space, centre alignment as: 'Evaluation of Rice Varieties for Salt Affected Soils'.

Name of the Author(s): Upper case, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), centre alignment, Single space as: A. B. MANDAL*, A. R. BAL, D. PAL and P. E. SINGARE. Put an asterisk mark superscripted on the name of the corresponding author and give his e-mail id as a footnote. In case any author (s) has left the Institute where the work was conducted his address should be indicated in the footnote with a superscript number on the name of the author as: D. BURMAN* , C. KARPAGAM1 , S. MANDAL and D. ROY

Institute Address: The address of the Institute where the work was conducted to be given in full with PIN code number. Except for prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and articles the first letter of each word should be in capital letter, 12 pt. (Times New Roman) single space, centre alignment as: Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001

Abstract: The Abstract should be concise and not to exceed 300 words. It is to be without heading (centre alignment), 12 pt. (Times new Roman), justified alignment, double space. Do not mention any Reference, Figures, Tables and abbreviations in the text of the Abstract.

Key words: To be given in bracket, italics (Title in bold but words are normal), each item starts with a capital letter and items are separated by a coma, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment, double space as: ˜(Key words: Copper fungicides, Movement of copper, Iron deficiency)

Introduction: Without formal heading, text in 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment, double space.

Materials and Methods: Heading in 14pt (Times New Roman) centre alignment, bold as: ˜MATERIALS AND METHODS. Text: double space, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment.

Results and Discussion: Heading in 14pt (Times New Roman), centre alignment, bold as: ˜RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Text: Double space, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment. In text, the tables to be referred as Table 1 or (Table 1) and Figures as Fig. 1 or (Fig. 1) as the case may be.

Table title: Title of the Table to be in italics and placed at the top of the Table. The Table number to be given in bold (italics) with a space as: Table 3. Characteristics of the soil profiles. Each Table should be typed in separate sheet. Maximum size of a Table should be such that it can be conveniently accommodated in a A4 size paper. Over-sized Tables will be rejected. Approximate position of the Tables in the text to be indicated on the margin of the manuscript.

Figure: Figures include diagrams and photographs. Title of the Figure to be in italics and placed at the bottom of the Figure. The Fig. number to be given in bold (italics) with a space as: Fig. 3. Salinity of groundwater in different months. Figures with free hand drawing or free hand writing will be rejected. Legends if any should be included within the illustration but the title of the figure should be at the outside of the illustration. The name of the authors and the title of the article should be written well below the illustration for identification. 

Soft copy of original figures in high resolution and graphs/charts with original data in spreadsheet must be submitted separately along with the manuscript. Figs. Should be submitted in both colour and black and white/grey scale. In the print version, figs. in black and white/grey scale will be printed except under exceptional circumstances when coloured figs will be printed. In the online version, figs in colour will be published. Additional information can also be submitted as supplementary files.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors should also give a declaration on the conflicts of interest. Heading in 14 pt (Times New Roman), centre alignment, bold as: ‘CONFLICTS OF INTEREST’. Text: double space, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment.

Acknowledgement: Heading in 14pt (Times New Roman) centre alignment, bold as: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Text: double space, 12 pt. (Times New Roman), justified alignment.

References: Heading in 14pt (Times New Roman, centre alignment), bold as: REFERENCES. The text/ citations should be in 12 pt. (Times New Roman), double space and left alignment. The style of citing different categories of literature is given below.

Journal articles: Abbreviations of periodicals are not acceptable. Fully expanded name of the Journal is to be given and volume number be bold as: Sen, H. S., Mandal, A. B. and Mahanta, K. K. (2007). Characteristics of salt tolerant rice varieties for the coastal region. Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research 25: 45-52.

Citing reference in the running text: As : It was observed by Biswas and Prasad (2008) that; Similar results were also reported by others (Panigrahi et al., 2006; Dutt and Polara, 2004) as the case may be.

Books: As: (i) Russel, E.W. (1973). Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Tenth edition, The English Language Book Society and Longman, London. 848 p. (ii) Biswas, T. D. and Mukherjee, S. K. (1989). Text Book of Soil Science, Second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. pp 90- 152.

Book Chapter: As: Inasi, K. A. and Philip, J. (1996). Crop production strategies of tuber crops. In: Tropical Tuber Crops, G. T. Kurup and V. P. Potty (eds.), Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. pp 264-274.

Bulletin: As: (i) Bandyopadhyay, B. K., Maji, B., Sen, H. S. and Tyagi, N. K. (2003). Coastal Soils of West Bengal-Their Nature, Distribution and Characteristics. Technical Bulletin No. 1/2003, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Canning Town, India. 62 p. (ii) Bandyopadhyay, B. K., Sahu, G. C. and Maji, B. (1998). Status, nature and composition of organic matter in coastal areas. In: Soil Organic Matter and Residue Management. Bulletin No. 19, Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi. pp 58- 67.

Symposium Proceedings: As: Pampattiwar, P. S. and Mane, T.A. (1983). Evaluation of sprinkler method of irrigation for summer groundnut, Proceedings National Seminar on Evaluation of sprinkler irrigation, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, January 2-5, 2008, Engineering Staff College, Pune, Maharashtra, India. pp 88-95.

Thesis: As: Sarangi, S. K. (2003). Studies on the effect of modes of iron application and growth regulators on the performance of direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under rainfed condition. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

Units to be used: SI Units (Le Système international d’unités or the International System of Units) to be used. For this, Clark's Tables: 'Science Data Book' by Orient Longman, New Delhi (1982) may be consulted as a guideline.

In expressing doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassic fertilizers, those should be in the form of N, P, K, respectively and be expressed in terms of kg ha-1 for field experiments and mg kg-1 for pot culture studies.

Some of the common units with the corresponding symbols are reproduced below for convenience. Common units and symbols: length= l, time= t, metre = m, second = s, centimeter = cm, cubic centimeter= cm3 , cubic metre =m3 , decisiemens = dS, degree-Celsius = 0C , day = d, gram = g, hectare = ha (104 m2 = 2.47 acre), 1 ha plough layer (15 cm) of soil = 2.25 x106 kg (assuming bulk density of soil is 1.5 Mg m-3) , Hour = h, Kilometer = km, kilogram= kg, litre= L (=dm3 ), Megagram = Mg (=103 kg or 106 g), microgram= mg (=10-6 g), Micron = mm (=10-6 m), milimole = mmole, miliequivalent = meq, micromol= mmol, milligram= mg, milliliter= mL, minute= min, nanometer= nm ((10-9m), square centimeter= cm2, square kilometer = km2 , Tonne = t (Mg, 106 g or 103 kg), electrolytic conductivity = dS m-1 (= mmhos cm-1), gas diffusion = g m-2 s-1 or mol m-2 s-1, water flow= kg m-2 s-1 (or) m3 m-2 s-1 (or) m s-1, hydraulic conductivity = m s-1, ion uptake (per kg of dry plant material) =mol kg-1, leaf area = m2 kg-1, nutrient content in plants = mg g-1, mg g-1 or g kg-1 (dry matter basis), root density or root length density = cm cm-3, soil bulk density = Mg m-3 (= g cm-3), transpiration rate = mg m-2 s-1, water content of soil = kg kg-1 or m3 m-3, water tension = kPa (or) Mpa, yield (grain or forage) = Mg ha-1 ( = t ha-1), organic carbon content of soil = g kg-1 (= percent (%) x 10), milligram per kg = mg kg-1= parts per million (ppm), cation exchange capacity of soil = cmole(p+) kg-1 ( = meq 100 g-1).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript has been seen by all the authors, and all are satisfied with its form and content. The sequence of names of authors is as per their relative contribution in the study and due credit has been given to all authors who have made notable contribution.
  • The manuscript has been prepared as per the guidelines of the journal and the correct data and facts have been presented. The submission has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract or in as a thesis), nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the Editor).
  • The manuscript is exclusively meant for this journal, and the results reported have not been sent elsewhere for publication. The authorities of the institution/university with whom I/we is/are affiliated are fully aware, and has no objection for the submission of this manuscript for publication in this journal.
  • The ethical and plagiarism related issues in publication have been fully taken care of and it is declared that the manuscript is an original work of the author(s).
  • The author(s) also declare that there is no conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript except as disclosed in a separate document. The funding sources supporting the work and the institutes to which we belong are acknowledged (as provided in the end of the manuscript along with conflict of interest statement).
  • The copyright of the manuscript would vest with the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research on acceptance of the manuscript for publication and will have the exclusive right to distribute the manuscript in print or electronic form (online and offline) or any other related form for reprography, photocopying, storage and dissemination of information contained in it, and neither we nor our legal heirs will have any claims on royalty.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. The manuscript to be uploaded must not contain the author names and their affiliation. The author details have been submitted as a separate file in addition to the manuscript.

Review Article

Article are received by invitation only.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.