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Potato processing and irradiation identification
Potato; Gamma irradiation; Plant Growth; Irradiation identification; Total sugar metabolism.Abstract
ABSTRACT: In this work, irradiated DESIREE potato was successfully identified by thermoluminescence technique for
gamma dose up-to 1500 Gy. Selected SPUNTA and DESIREE potato seed tubers were also cultivated after being irradiated
with different gamma low doses, varying from 10 to 150 Gy. Effects of gamma irradiation on plant growth, sugar content,
and yield were studied. The potato seed tubers were late irradiated three weeks before planting. The analysis of tuber’s
progenies shows non-mutation in terms of eye colour, skin colour and texture for low doses below 25 Gy. The emergence
percentage of the plants were optimal for the dose interval of 10-25 Gy. No emergence ability has occurred at 55 Gy and
75 Gy and higher dose for SPUNTA and DESIREE, respectively. Irradiation with 10-25 Gy promoted tubers formation.
There was no morphological growth enhancement at 25 Gy and higher dose, and no survival of the plants at 65 Gy and
85 Gy and higher doses for SPUNTA and DESIREE, respectively. The effects of gamma radiation on irradiated but not
planted tubers show that total sugars content increases from ~1.5% to ~3.5% for low doses and keeps constant for higher
doses. The harvested tubers produced from irradiated planted seeds show a constant sugar content even dose changes and
non-influence of the irradiation on total sugar consumption and production. This study indicates too that late irradiation
with low dose below 25 Gy (10Gy) significantly increases leaves number (+~75%) and growth capability in terms of
tuber’s weight (15-30%).
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