Comparative Efficacy of Gamma Interferon Assay with Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Skin Test in Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Dairy Animals
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bTB, CITT, ParatuberculosisAbstract
Comparative merits of Comparative intradermal test (CITT) and Gamma interferon assay (IFN-γ) were assessed in detecting bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in dairy cows and buffaloes (n=201) having clinical symptoms and history suggestive of TB. Out of the 201 animals tested, 19.4%, 10% and 14.4% were positive for TB by CITT only, IFN-γ assay only and by both the tests, respectively. This clearly demonstrated that these tests, if performed individually, would not be enough to accurately detect TB in dairy animals. Instead, these would complement each other for efficient diagnosis of TB. Amplification of IS900 gene sequence specific for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis revealed 229 bp band in DNA extracted from the fecal samples of 120 animals. The percentage of Johne’s disease was 12.5%.
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