Global agroforestry research in transition: Scientometrics with carbon and climate focus

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  • Suresh Ramanan S ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi, UP - 284003
  • Ayyanadar Arunachalam ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi, UP - 284003


Agroforestry, Carbon, Climate Change, Scientometr


Agroforestry has been portrayed as better landuse option, in terms carbon sequestration and climate change adaptation as well as mitigation. In this paper, we carried out a scientometrics assessment of publications indexed in Web of Science database for the last two decades (2001-2020) specifically on the carbon sequestration and climate change focus in agroforestry research. The paper aimed at understanding the perception of scientists on carbon sequestration and climate change benefits from agroforestry in the last two decades and also to elucidate the transition in author's research interest. Using specific string of keyword search, we retrieved 1157 which was shortlisted to 1011 publications and was analysed in the bibliometrix R-package. The results narrated the transition of agroforestry research inclining more towards carbon and climate focus starting from 2004. The transition reached it culmination in the last decade where more than 800 papers were published. The results also indicated that the countries like India, Brazil and China are keen in tapping agroforestry for carbon sequestration and climate change. The key words analysis indicated the waning interest in carbon credit, global warming, drought, nutrient leaching, Kyoto protocol, clean development mechanism and gaining momentum on climate change mitigation, adaptation, resilience and climate-smart agriculture in the last decade. Moreover, the concept of agroforestry is gaining prominence in African, Asian and South American countries where the natural forests are under pressure.






How to Cite

S, S. R., & Arunachalam, A. (2022). Global agroforestry research in transition: Scientometrics with carbon and climate focus. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 24(3).

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