About the Journal

This magazine is for people interested-in-farming. The aim is to present scientific information in a popular style to the progressive farmers and people interested in application of science to day-to-day problems to Indian farming. It has articles, book reviews, photo features, interviews, success stories and an editorial page. Two special issues are also brought every year. One in October on World Food Day and another on any special occasion; accent issues are also brought out on subject of topical issues. It is most authoritative and popular farming magazine in India published since 1940.

Focus and Scope

Articles in Indian Farming are published in a popular style encompassing a broad range of research topics in genetic resources, crop improvement, crop production, crop protection, physiology, modeling of crop systems, agronomy, agricultural engineering, decision support systems, land use, environmental impacts of agriculture and forestry, impacts of climate change, rural biodiversity, post-harvest technology, agricultural economics, agricultural extension, animal health and production related to cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, camel, equines, pig, rabbit, yak, mithun, poultry and fisheries. Success stories in agriculture are also published.

Scope of magazine covers all aspects of farming systems in varied agro-climatic conditions all over India in following main categories:

• crops
• animals
• poultry
• fish
• agricultural technology (engineering and farm tools)
• post-harvest technology
• agriculture extension
• agricultural economics and marketing; and
• agricultural policies

Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Articles are peer-reviewed before publishing.

Publication Frequency

It is a monthly magazine.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides limoted open access to its content.