Influence of Organic Nutrient Management on Soil Properties, Growth, Yield and Economics of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Coastal Salt Affected Soil of Gujarat
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Biofertilizer, Coastal salt affected soil, Garlic yield, Organic manuresAbstract
A field experiment was conducted at Coastal Soil Salinity Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Danti-Umbharat, Navsari, Gujarat during rabi seasons of 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 to study the effect of organic manures and bio-fertilizer on growth and productivity of garlic. In total six treatment combinations comprising of three treatments of organics which were applied on nitrogen equivalent basis i.e., O1: 50% N through FYM as basal + 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS, O2: 50% N through biocompost as basal + 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS, O3: 50% N through vermicompost as basal + 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS and two treatments of biofertilizer i.e., B1: with biofertilizer (PSB and Azotobacter) and B2: without biofertilizer were evaluated in factorial randomized block design with four replications. Application of recommended dose of N @ 100 kg ha-1 of which 50% N through bio-compost as basal and remaining 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS recorded significantly higher average bulb weight (11.98 g), bulb yield (7.9 t ha-1) and lower weight loss after six months of storage (18.14%). Cloves inoculation with biofertilizers resulted in significantly higher plant height (59.07 cm) and average bulb weight (12.29 g). In case of interaction effect, application of recommended dose of N @ 100 kg ha-1 of which 50% N through bio-compost as basal and remaining 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS along with bio-fertilizers recorded higher bulb yield (9.2 t ha-1), gross return (` 3,66,174 ha-1), net return (` 2,63,039 ha-1) and BC ratio (2.55) followed by 50% N through vermicompost as basal + 50% N through castor cake at 40 DAS with bio-fertilizer.Downloads
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