Article Certificate
Journal of Cereal Research (JCR)
Article certificate
Title : …………………………………………………....…………
Author (s) : …………………………………………………….…………
Affiliation : …………………………………………………………………
It is certified that;
- The article has been seen by all the authors, who are satisfied with its form and content.
- The sequence of authors in the article is as per their relative contribution giving due credit to all who made notable contribution in any form to it.
- The address of the organization where the research was carried out is given as affiliation and current address (s) given as footnote.
- The experiment was carried out under my supervision and the article is submitted based on the original results.
- Correct data and facts are presented in the article and results have been verified.
- It is based/ not based on a part/ complete M.Sc/Ph.D thesis of the first author, who submitted the thesis to the …………………………….………. (University, Place).
- The article is exclusive for this Journal and the results reported here have not been sent for publication in any other Journal.
- I agree to abide by the objective comments of referees and do agree to modify the article in to a short note as per the recommendation, for publication in the Journal.
- If published in Journal of Cereal Research, the copy right of the article would vest with the SAWBAR, who will have the right to enter into any agreement with any organisation in India or abroad engaged in reprography, photocopying, storage and dissemination of information contained in it and neither we nor our legal heirs will have any claim on royalty.
- The above furnished information is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have no objection to the publication of the article cited above in the Journal of Cereal Research.
Place: ___________________
Date: ____________________
(Signature of Corresponding Author)