Soil Salinity and Variable Moisture Regimes Impacts on Growth Attributes of Eucalyptus in North-western Punjab, India

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Impact of soil salinity and moisture regimes on eucalyptus


  • Baljit Singh Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
  • G.P.S. Dhillon Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
  • Avtar Singh Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
  • Pritpal Singh Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana


Biomass, Soil salinity, Moisture regimes, Waterlogging, Soluble salts, Net primary production, Eucalyptus


The reclamation of saline waterlogged soils via afforestation depends exclusively on plantation of tolerant tree species with fast growth habits and greater biomass production together with the ability to withstand ambient soil salinity. Soil salinity and water logging significantly influence the growth performance of Eucalyptus species which has large potential as cost-effective and eco-friendly measure for the reclamation of salt affected and waterlogged landscapes. We therefore, studied the response of Eucalyptus (clone PE-11) under aerobic (60% water filled pore space; WFPS) and water logged (120% WFPS) moisture regimes established at four levels of soil salinity (EC1:4=0-12 dS m-1). There was a significant salinity × moisture regimes interaction effect on Eucalyptus growth attributes. These results revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in plant height (~33.6-65.2%) and collar diameter (~56.9-73.1%) with increased EC1:2. There was a linear significant relationship between soil salinity and tree height (R2=0.812*-0.996**; p<0.05) for trees planted at 60 and 120% WFPS. Soil salinity (EC1:2=4 dS m-1) significantly decreased the stem biomass by 72.9 g tree-1 (by ~42.1%) than the non-saline soil. Leaves biomass was significantly decreased by ~63.3 g tree-1 at 120% WFPS as compared to 60% WFPS. Soil salinity significantly decreased the leaves biomass by ~32.2, 59.9 and 66.9%, respectively at EC1:2 of 4, 8 and 12 dS m-1 over non-saline soil. Averaged across the soil salinity levels, root biomass was significantly higher by ~6.3-times at 60% WFPS than the 120% WFPS. The decreased plant growth attributes were responsible for reduced dry wood biomass of Eucalyptus. These results revealed that tree growth decreased significantly with increased EC1:2, regardless of the moisture regime. Similarly, regardless of the salinity level, Eucalyptus growth was significantly decreased at increased moisture regime. 


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How to Cite

Singh, B., Dhillon, G., Singh, A., & Singh, P. (2023). Soil Salinity and Variable Moisture Regimes Impacts on Growth Attributes of Eucalyptus in North-western Punjab, India: Impact of soil salinity and moisture regimes on eucalyptus. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality, 15(1), 15-24.