Biochemical Modulations Coupled with Yield of Rabi Maize (Zea mays L.) Irrigated with Treated Industrial Effluent on Vertisols

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Treated effluent irrigation and maize yield


  • Anil R Chinchmalatpure Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Regional Research Station, Maktampur P.O., BHARUCH 392012 Gujarat
  • Indivar Prasad ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi 221305, Uttar Pradesh
  • Vineeth T.V. ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Bharuch Gujarat 392012
  • Shrvan Kumar ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur Rajasthan
  • Sagar Vibhute ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Bharuch Gujarat 392012
  • David Camus ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Bharuch Gujarat 392012
  • P.C. Sharma ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal 132001


Maize, Na/K, Proline, soluble sugar, treated industrial effluent, Vertisols


A field experiment was conducted on rabi maize for 2 consecutive years on Vertisols to evaluate the effect of treated industrial effluents in combination with varying nitrogenous dosage as an alternative to improve crop productivity and soil characteristics. The treatments comprised of (I1) best available water (BAW) i.e. treated effluent: BAW (0:1 ratio); (I2) treated effluent and BAW (1:1 ratio); and (I3) treated effluent i.e. treated effluent: BAW (1:0 ratio) along with combination of three nitrogen doses (N1= 80 kg N ha-1; N2= 100 kg N ha-1 & N3=120 kg N ha-1). In general, treated effluent irrigation over the two years did not bring any deleterious effects on soil physico-chemical characteristics. However, electrical conductivity (EC) of the different soil layers increased with application of treated industrial effluent (I3), but the soil pH was not affected. The application of treated effluent in combination with BAW also resulted in 1.8 times and 1.4 times higher water productivity as compared to treated effluent: BAW in 0:1 ratio and treated effluent: BAW in 1:0 ratio treatments, respectively. While treated effluent irrigation was found effective in enhancing yield of maize crop, diluted treated effluent (treated effluent: BAW in 1:1 ratio) in combination with 100 kg N/ha gave highest rabi maize yield (10168 kg/ha). The greenness, osmotic and ionic components of cellular response was also studied. Judicious application of treated industrial effluent in combination with optimum nitrogen source acted as an amendment to arable Vertisol and may be considered as an alternative option for safe disposal of this industrial waste.


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How to Cite

Chinchmalatpure, A. R., Prasad, I., T.V., V., Kumar, S., Vibhute, S., Camus, D., & Sharma, P. (2023). Biochemical Modulations Coupled with Yield of Rabi Maize (Zea mays L.) Irrigated with Treated Industrial Effluent on Vertisols: Treated effluent irrigation and maize yield. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality, 15(1), 94-103.