Effect of Saline Water Irrigation on Growth, Yield and Economics of Spinach, Radish and Dill under Coastal Saline Soils of North Konkan Region of Maharashtra

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  • SB Dodake Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Dr. B.S.K.K.V, Dapoli Dist. Ratnagiri-415712, Maharashtra, India
  • SS Khobragade Khar Land Research Station (KLRS), Panvel, Dist- Raigad 410206, Maharashtra, India 3ICAR- Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal-132001 Haryana, India
  • DK Borse Khar Land Research Station (KLRS), Panvel, Dist- Raigad 410206, Maharashtra, India 3ICAR- Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal-132001 Haryana, India
  • KP Vaidya Khar Land Research Station (KLRS), Panvel, Dist- Raigad 410206, Maharashtra, India
  • MJ Kaledhonkar ICAR- Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal-132001 Haryana, India
  • MR Wahane Khar Land Research Station (KLRS), Panvel, Dist- Raigad 410206, Maharashtra, India
  • JJ Palkar Khar Land Research Station (KLRS), Panvel, Dist- Raigad 410206, Maharashtra, India


Saline irrigation water, Salinity, Pond water, Dill, Radish, Spinach


One field experiment on use of saline irrigation water was conducted for three consecutive rabi-summer seasons of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 to study the effect of soil salinization of coastal clayey saline soil on growth and yield of spinach, dill and radish at Khar Land Research Station, Panvel in Maharashtra. The experiment consisted of 5 levels of saline irrigation water (pond water, water with salinity (EC) 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS m-1) which was replicated thrice in FRBD. Being coastal saline soils, soil salinization due to capillary rise from shallow water table was noticed. The saline water irrigation also contributed towards soil salinization. The pH1:2.5 data indicated that soils were of acidic nature initially due to over leaching of salts during monsoon season while addition of salts due to capillary rise and irrigation water changed the soils from acidic to basic. The data revealed that the pond water treatment produced significantly highest yield for radish (19.57 Mg ha-1) followed by dill (10.93 Mg ha-1) and spinach (10.09 Mg ha-1), respectively. Salinity in irrigation water affected crop yield adversely. The respective yields of these crops were 15.65, 3.71 and 9.04 Mg ha-1 at irrigation water salinity of 8 dS m-1. The B:C ratio of the irrigation with pond water was 2.87, 2.81 and 2.52 for radish, dill and spinach, respectively. However, B:C ratios of spinach and radish were above 2 at 8 dS m-1 while it was 0.95 for dill. It suggested that spinach and radish were suitable for coastal saline soils compared to dill.


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How to Cite

SB Dodake, SS Khobragade, DK Borse, KP Vaidya, MJ Kaledhonkar, MR Wahane, & JJ Palkar. (2023). Effect of Saline Water Irrigation on Growth, Yield and Economics of Spinach, Radish and Dill under Coastal Saline Soils of North Konkan Region of Maharashtra. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality, 14(1), 76-83. https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/JoSSWQ/article/view/140234