Mineral status of cows and buffaloes in Rewari district of Haryana

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  • P S Yadav
  • A B Mandal
  • Vanita Kapoor
  • K R Sunaria
  • N S Mann


Buffaloes, Cows, Feeds, Fodders, Hairs, Minerals, Serum


A survey was conducted in Rewari district of Haryana state to find out the mineral status of cows, milch buffaloes and buffalo heifers. Sufficient number of samples of feeds, fodders, blood, hair and milk were collected from 8 sites representing the whole district. The biological samples were analyzed for Ca, P, Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe. Majority of samples of bajra stover, wheat straw, cottonseed and wheat grain were deficient in copper. Similarly all the ingredients except berseem were deficient in zinc. Iron of the samples was much higher in all the ingredients than its specified level in ration. The values for minerals in serum, hair and milk indicated dietary inadequacy of Ca, P, Zn, Mn and Cu. It is concluded that the animals of this district need dietary supplementation of these minerals.


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How to Cite

Yadav, P. S., Mandal, A. B., Kapoor, V., Sunaria, K. R., & Mann, N. S. (2012). Mineral status of cows and buffaloes in Rewari district of Haryana. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 68(10). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/22335