Prospects of yeast based feed additives in poultry nutrition: Potential effects and applications

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  • R M BILAL Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • F HASSAN Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • M SAEED Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • TUGAY AYASAN Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • N RASHED Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • M U AKHTAR Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100
  • ALIREZA SEIDAVI Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 63100


Additive, Nutrition, Poultry, Yeast


Yeast and its derivatives are extensively utilized as feed additives in poultry industry owing to their desirable health and growth promoting effects. Exhaustive number of studies had reported positive effects of yeast based additives on growth, meat quality, immunity, antioxidant status, and gastrointestinal functions in poultry birds. Owing to their prebiotic/probiotic properties, they also play significant role in gut development and modulation of gut microbiome by favouring beneficial microbes while reducing colonization of pathogenic microbes by competitive exclusion. They also possess effective potential for binding of dietary toxins in addition to improving digestion and utilization of nutrients. Moreover, yeast based additives have exhibited desirable effects on humoral immunity by increasing serum immunoglobulin (Ig) A levels. These additives have been also used as immune adjuvants to boost innate immune response under any pathogenic challenges in birds. Due to their diverse biological activities, yeast products are potentially capable for immune hemostasis by mediating balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory activities. These unique properties of yeast based products make them promising feed additive to promote health and productivity leading to efficient poultry production. Yeast can be supplemented in poultry diets @ 5.0–10.0 g/kg of feed. Numerous studies had reported significant improvement in body weight gain (3 to 8%) and FCR (1.6 to 12%) in broilers in response to supplementation of yeast based additives. Moreover, yeast supplementation also improved hemoglobin (Hb g/dl) levels up to 2.59 to 6.62%, total protein (>0.69%) while reducing serum cholesterol (mg/dl) up to 3.68 to 13.38%. Despite the potential properties and beneficial effects, use of yeast and its derivatives as feed additives in poultry industry is not matching its inherent potential due to many reasons. This review aims to highlight the importance and potential role of yeast and its products as natural growth promoter to replace in feed antibiotics to address the issues of antibiotic residues and microbial resistance. This article provides insights on functional role of yeast based additives in poultry diets and their importance as commercially viable alternatives of antibiotic growth promoters in poultry feed industry.


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Review Article

How to Cite

BILAL, R. M., HASSAN, F., SAEED, M., AYASAN, T., RASHED, N., AKHTAR, M. U., & SEIDAVI, A. (2020). Prospects of yeast based feed additives in poultry nutrition: Potential effects and applications. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(4), 495-505.