Economic analysis of dairy production among small and medium scale farmers in Karnataka: A case study of Bengaluru district

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  • K A SHOBHA College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 065 India
  • M N VENKATARAMANA College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 065 India
  • ARNAB ROY College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 065 India
  • B V CHINNAPPA REDDY College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 065 India


Cost and returns analysis, Milk production, Urbanization


A study on dairy production and processing by small and medium scale farmers was conducted in Bengaluru north. The survey showed that dairy production is characterized by low milk production as a result of the use of indigenous/local breeds of dairy cattle managed under pastoral production system. As influenced by urbanization there have been changes in the herd size around Bengaluru north. As agricultural lands pave way for non-farming uses, the land available for growing green fodder exclusively for dairy units which are relatively smaller in size with 2–5 animals per farmer, is shrinking. Even the cost of producing dairy products like milk varies from urban to rural areas. It is observed that the proportion of small dairy farmers was highest in all the three regions, viz. urban (72%), rural (63%) and transition (55%) areas of the Bengaluru north. This reveals that dairy was one of the major sources of livelihood for small farmers in the study area. Cost of labour was highest for all the groups of the dairy farmers in all the three regions followed by the cost of concentrates. The net revenue realized by all the three types of dairy units varied positively with herd size of the dairy farm. Thus, large sized dairy units availed the benefit of scale economies as income per cow was highest at ₹ 22,267, ₹ 23,837 and ₹ 24,870 in rural, transition and urban areas respectively. The net returns were found highest in crossbred cow followed by buffalo and local cow in all the three gradients of the study region.


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Demircan V, Binsi T, Koknarogulu H and Aktas A R. 2006. Economic analysis of different dairy farm sizes in Burdur province in Turkey. Czech Journal of Animal Science 1(51): 8–17. DOI:

Dutt T, Sinha R K, Singh R R, Kumar S, Bhusan B and Singh M. 2009. Economics of milk production under field condition. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 79(7): 706–09.

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Kumara O, Basavarajappa D N, Sannathimmapp H G, Danaraddi V and Patil R. 2015. Integrated farming system model for Bhadra command. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 8(4): 58–60.

Ram S, Tripathi R S and Solanaki A. 2009. Comparative economics of buffalo and cow milk production in Karnal district of Haryana. Indian Journal of Animal Research 43(3): 224–25.

Reddy Keshava T R. 1979. ‘Optimum crop and dairy mix for farmers in Bengaluru district, Karnataka.’ MSc Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Shah D and Singh P. 1995. An economic study of costs and returns in crossbred cows in rural and urban areas of Bareilly district. Livestock Advisor 20(1): 13–19.

Shalini N. 2017. ‘An economic analysis of influence of urbanization on structure and profitability of dairy farming.’ MSc Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Sharma L R, Bhati J P and Singh R. 1991. Emerging farming systems in Himachal Pradesh: Key issues in sustainability. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 46(3): 422–27.

Singh D P, Singh V B and Singh V N. 2007. An economic study of dairy farming in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh. Bharathiya Krishi Anusandhan Pathrika 22(1): 56–61.

Singh K M, Meena M S, Bharathi R C and Kumar Abhay. 2012. An economic analysis of milk production in Bihar. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82(10): 1233–37.

Sunil V R, Chandel B S and Makarabbi G. 2016. Economics of milk production in Mandya district of Karnataka. Economic Affairs 4(61): 659–65. DOI:

The Food and Agriculture Organisation. 2017. Per capita availability of milk in India. Retrieved from http: //

The National Dairy Development Board. 2017. Livestock population in India. Retrieved from http: // information/stats/pop

Umamageswari M, Dixit P K and Sivaram M. 2017. Economics of milk production in Tamil Nadu–A comparative study. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 70(2): 221–27.









How to Cite

SHOBHA, K. A., VENKATARAMANA, M. N., ROY, A., & REDDY, B. V. C. (2020). Economic analysis of dairy production among small and medium scale farmers in Karnataka: A case study of Bengaluru district. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(5), 798-803.