Smallholder pig production system of Assam

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  • SANTANU BANIK ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig, Guwahati, Assam.
  • SOUMEN NASKAR ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi, Jharkhand
  • KESHAB BARMAN ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig, Guwahati, Assam.


Backyard piggery, Pig production characteristics, Pig production constrains, Survey


The study was carried out to attain information on smallholder pig production systems of Assam. Stratified purposive and random sampling design was followed for selection of respondents in two districts namely Tinsukia and Dhemaji located in sub-Himalayan terrain. The socioeconomic parameter of the farmers were delineated. Mostly the pigs were reared in semi-intensive to loosehouse system. Major feed ingredients were kitchen waste and locally available, seasonal unconventional feed. There was prevalence of local breeds namely Ghungroo and Doom pigs along with crossbred animal mostly of Hampshire and Large White Yorkshire crosses. The field level performance was evaluated. The study revealed the major constrains and opportunity for improvement of the sector in the surveyed area.


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How to Cite

BANIK, S., NASKAR, S., & BARMAN, K. (2021). Smallholder pig production system of Assam. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(10), 1441-1443.