Growth and reproductive performance of Rani breed of pig in various agro-climatic condition of Nagaland

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  • MAHAK SINGH ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland 797 106 India
  • R TALIMOA MOLLIER KVK-Wokha, Nagaland
  • ROMEN SHARMA ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland 797 106 India
  • S K BAISHYA ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland 797 106 India
  • MOAAKUM SANGTAM ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland 797 106 India
  • D J RAJKHOWA ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland 797 106 India


Growth Rate, Nagaland, Pig, Rani Breed, Reproductive Performance


The objective of the present study was to compare the growth and reproductive performance of Rani breed of pig in various agro-climatic condition of Nagaland. The present investigation was conducted at six locations, i.e. Dimapur, ICAR farm and Peren are low hill (300 m) area; Kohima and Wokha are mid hill (1000-1500 m) area and Kiphire district is high hill (2500 m) area. Body weight of male and female pig varied from 67 to 85 kg and 58 to 77 kg at 10 months of age. Body weight at 10 months of age was significantly higher in low hill (Dimapur, Peren and ICAR farm) area compared to high hill area (Kiphire) at all stages in male as well as female pig. Average daily weight gain was significantly higher at ICAR farm compared to other five locations in male and female pig. Age at first estrus and age at first mating was significantly higher at Kiphire. Estrus and mating occurred at significantly shorter age in pig at ICAR farm. There was no variation in gestation length across the different locations. Litter size at birth and litter weight at birth varied from 8 to 9 numbers and 9 to 10 kg. Litter size at weaning was significantly lower at Kiphire. Litter weight at weaning was significantly higher at ICAR farm. Significantly higher weaning to estrus interval was recorded at Kiphire. Pre-weaning mortality was recorded from 7 to 18% and it was highest at Kiphire district followed by Kohima and Peren. There was variation recorded in growth and reproductive performance of Rani breed at different location in Nagaland, however, the performance was better than pure exotic and indigenous breed.


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How to Cite

SINGH, M., MOLLIER, R. T., SHARMA, R., BAISHYA, S. K., SANGTAM, M., & RAJKHOWA, D. J. (2021). Growth and reproductive performance of Rani breed of pig in various agro-climatic condition of Nagaland. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(12), 1644-1648.