Expression dynamics of ISGs and chemokines in maternal whole blood as an indicator of healthy embryonic implantation in buffalo

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  • RAJNI KUMARI ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar
  • SHANKER DAYAL ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • ROHAN KUMAR RAMAN ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • P C CHANDRAN ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • SANJAY KUMAR Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, Bihar
  • PRADEEP KUMAR RAY ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • REENA KAMAL ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • JYOTI KUMAR ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • AMITAVA DEY ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • KAMAL SARMA ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India
  • UJJWAL KUMAR ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800 014 India


Buffalo, Chemokines, Embryo maternal signaling, Early embryonic losses, ISGs


Successful pregnancy establishment has a major influence on reproductive efficiencies of dairy buffaloes. This success depends on coordinated communications between conceptus and maternally derived cells, and any disturbance in this communication network during this process leads to early embryonic losses. Since, early embryonic losses is one of the prime cause of pregnancy failure in dairy buffaloes, present investigation was aimed to understand the expression dynamics and correlation pattern of Interferon tau stimulated genes and chemokines during peri-implantation period in dairy buffaloes through transcriptional profiling followed by Principal Component Analysis. Our study revealed upregulation of all the candidate genes in maternal whole blood across the parity, emphasizing the involvement of immune responses as signatures for healthy pregnancy. Understanding these embryo-maternal communication signals offers potential to prevent incidences of early embryonic losses and can provide insights on possible targets for therapy too.


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How to Cite

KUMARI, R., DAYAL, S., RAMAN, R. K., CHANDRAN, P. C., KUMAR, S., RAY, P. K., KAMAL, R., KUMAR, J., DEY, A., SARMA, K., & KUMAR, U. (2022). Expression dynamics of ISGs and chemokines in maternal whole blood as an indicator of healthy embryonic implantation in buffalo. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 92(10), 1165–1169.