Influence of season and stage of lactation on the milk composition of Berari goat

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  • PRAJAKTA KURALKAR Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola, Maharashtra 444 104 India
  • H L KANADKHEDKAR Berari Goat and Deccani Sheep Research, Demonstration and Training Centre, Borgaon Manju, Dist. Akola, Maharashtra
  • S V KURALKAR Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola, Maharashtra 444 104 India


Berari goat, Lactation, Milk composition, Season


The study was planned to obtain gross composition of milk and investigate the influence of season and stage of lactation on composition of milk in Berari goats. Milk samples were collected from the goats reared at Berari Goat and Deccani Sheep Research, Demonstration and Training Centre, Borgaon Manju, Dist. Akola during different season and stages of lactation. The milk samples analyzed using the milk analyzer Lactoscan SL showed fat % (5.32±0.10), protein % (3.26±0.02), lactose % (5.18±0.05), TS % (14.95±0.10), SNF % (9.63±0.06) and density (1032.33±0.35 Kg/cm3). The results from this study show that the season had a significant effect on protein %, lactose %, solid not fat %, total solid % and density and a non-significant effect on fat %; whereas the stage of lactation had a significant effect on all the milk constituents of Berari goat. The protein, lactose, solid not fat, total protein and density content were higher in rainy season and lower in summer season. Fat per cent was higher during late lactation and lower during early lactation whereas the protein, lactose and solid not fat content was higher during early and late lactation, and lower during mid lactation.


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How to Cite

KURALKAR, P., KANADKHEDKAR, H. L., & KURALKAR, S. V. (2023). Influence of season and stage of lactation on the milk composition of Berari goat. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 93(8), 832–835.