Effect of cage space allowance on egg production, egg quality, immune responses and anti-oxidant variables in White Leghorn layers

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  • S V RAMA RAO ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 030 India
  • B PRAKASH ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 030 India
  • M V L N RAJU ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 030 India
  • U RAJKUMAR ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 030 India
  • R N CHATTERJEE ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 030 India



Anti-oxidant variables, Cage space allowance, Egg production, Immunity, Laying chicken


A comprehensive study was conducted to optimise cage space allowance (CSA) for White Leghorn (WL) layers (65-80 weeks of age). For the purpose, a total of 900 layers were housed in California colony cages in an open sided poultry house at three different CSA (422, 563, 844 cm2/bird). Each of the CSA was studied with 20 replicates. The daily egg production (EP), feed intake (FI), feed efficiency (FE, FI/egg mass) and egg quality traits were recorded at the end of each 28d interval. Anti-oxidant responses like lipid peroxidation (LP) and glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase in blood were measured at 80 weeks of age. Similarly, the antibody titres against ND vaccine and cell mediated immune response (CMI) against PHA- P were measured at 80 weeks of age. The variation in CSA did not influence EP, egg mass, weight gain and egg shell thickness. The FI reduced and FE improved with reduction in CSA. However, the egg density and egg shell percentage increased with increase in CSA. The LP was higher and the activities of anti-oxidant enzymes were lower at 422 cm2/bird as compared to the higher space allowances. No effect of CSA on ND titre was observed, while the CMI response was higher at 844 cm2/ bird than the other two CSA. It could be concluded that, though the FE was better at 422 cm2/b, the trends of shell quality traits and antioxidant variables indicated 546 cm2/bird as requirement for WL layers in open sided poultry house under tropical regions.


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How to Cite

RAO, S. V. R., PRAKASH, B., RAJU, M. V. L. N., RAJKUMAR, U., & CHATTERJEE, R. N. (2023). Effect of cage space allowance on egg production, egg quality, immune responses and anti-oxidant variables in White Leghorn layers. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 93(6), 635–639. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v93i6.128977