Performance of cross-bred (White Pekin × Khaki Campbell) ducks under extensive system of rearing

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  • S C GIRI ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 003 India
  • M K PADHI ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 003 India
  • S K SAHOO ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 003 India


Body weight, Cross-bred duck, Economics, Egg production


The performances and economics of crossbred (White Pekin × Khaki Campbell) ducks produced through artificial insemination and reared under extensive system of management were studied. A total of 150 day old ducklings were randomly distributed to six farmers in three villages (25 number each) of Odisha state and they were guided to maintain the birds with the resources available with them. The ducklings were brooded for ten days during which they were offered boiled broken rice. Subsequently they were fed from the surroundings besides being offered kitchen wastes, left over rice, vegetable peels, fish scales, etc. The birds were utilizing the village ponds for swimming and as feeding source. A secured night shelter was provided to each flock. The growth and production performances and mortality rate were recorded to the possible extent up to 40 wks of age by the combined effort of farmer family and project personal. The income generated through sale of birds and eggs were recorded for calculation of economics. It was observed that the overall mortality rate was 12% and the birds gained the body weight of 577.69±15.88 g, 1065.31±16.36 g, 1763.33±35.17 g and 1840.64±36.30 g at 4th, 8th, 16th and 24th week of age with first egg of the flock on ~150 days. The duck village/house egg production up to 40 weeks age was found to be 51.25% with 59.43±0.50 g average egg weight on 40th week. Further, the net profit of ₹9900 was calculated for individual flock considering the income from sale of eggs and live ducks and only expenditure towards cost of day old ducklings. It was concluded that cross-bred (WP × KC) ducks are suitable for rearing in farmers’ field with a higher economic gain.


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How to Cite

GIRI, S. C., PADHI, M. K., & SAHOO, S. K. (2023). Performance of cross-bred (White Pekin × Khaki Campbell) ducks under extensive system of rearing. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 93(6), 646–648.