Morphometric characterization of udder and teat of Jennies

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  • MADNURKAR C I College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • CHANNA G R College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • PAWANKAR K N College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • KOMATWAR S J College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • KHODE N V College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • VAIDYA M M College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • GOND S S College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • KARHALE V V College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India
  • KAWADE S B College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra 413 517 India


Donkey milk, Jennie, Parity, Teat, Udder


The present study was conducted in eight districts of Marathwada region, Maharashtra, India. A pre-survey was carried to find the maximum available population of donkeys in the respective area. Two hundred two (202) female donkeys were selected for the study. The data was collected based on morphometry of udder, teat, physiological status, pregnancy, lactation, and milk composition. Udder traits such as udder length, udder depth, udder width, udder circumference and teat traits such as teat length and teat diameter were found highly significant in lactating Jennies when compared with dry and pregnant females. The milk composition parameters were milk fat (MF), milk protein (MP), milk solid not fat (MSNF), total solid (TS), odour (O) and test (T): 1.31±0.08, 1±0.01, 6.93±0.03, 8.31±0.09% and 4593±120 per ml, respectively, for overall lactating jennet population.


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How to Cite

C I, M. ., G R, C. ., K N, P. ., S J, K. ., N V, K. ., M M, V. ., S S, G. ., V V, K. ., & S B, K. . (2024). Morphometric characterization of udder and teat of Jennies. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(4), 321–324.