Haofa dog – An indigenous canine germplasm from Manipur, India

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  • TH RANADHIR SINGH College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur
  • M NORJIT SINGH College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur
  • KAMEI KAKHULAN College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur
  • NG IBOTOMBI SINGH Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Government of Manipur, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur
  • S BASANTA SINGH Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur 795 004 India
  • SONIA CHONGTHAM ICAR-NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Manipu
  • RUBYTA CHANAM College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur



Dog, Haofa, Hound, Management, Manipur, Physical characters


A study on Haofa dog was carried out at its breeding tract in Ukhrul and Kamjong districts of Manipur to find out its origin, distribution and phenotypic characteristics. A total of 100 adult Haofa dogs (50 male and 50 female) were recorded for studying physical characters and body measurement. Further, 69 number of observation were also recorded for studying body weights of adult male and female. In addition, 100 Haofa owners were interviewed to study the reproductive characteristics, management practices followed and their utility, etc. The study revealed that Haofa were of medium size with a compact body, broad chest, straight top line and slightly tucked up abdomen. The coat colour is usually black with grey skin while some dogs have black coat colour with white markings in ventral parts and tips of legs. The head of a Haofa dog is medium in size with a slightly trapezoid shape, while the forehead is usually prominent with the straight nasal bridge. Eyes are oval shaped with golden colour. Ears are erect and usually cropped at an early age. The dogs have short coats and their tails are usually semi-curved and docked usually at a young age. The adult body weight and average litter size at birth ranges from 22-31 kg and 3-8, respectively. Haofa is morphologically different from the other exotic breeds, crossbreeds or local dogs found in the state. Hence, it deserves to be recognized as a distinct breed of dog.


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How to Cite

SINGH, T. R. ., SINGH, M. N. ., KAKHULAN, K. ., SINGH, N. I. ., SINGH, S. B. ., CHONGTHAM, S. ., & CHANAM, R. . (2024). Haofa dog – An indigenous canine germplasm from Manipur, India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(4), 329–332. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v94i4.138231