Status of duck breeding in India

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  • M K PADHI ICAR–Directorate of Poultry Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 003 India
  • S C GIRI ICAR–Directorate of Poultry Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 003 India


Crossbreeding, Duck, Duck breed, Duck breeding, Indigenous duck, Selection in duck


Duck is the second most important species of poultry after chicken in India. Due to its many advantages, it is popular in the coastal states and states having large water bodies. Different indigenous and exotic breeds that are being evaluated and reported through research findings are summarized in this review. The history of import of exotic breeds to the country with breeding programme initiated for these breeds in India are discussed with reference to the status of breeds in respect to meat and egg production improved through selection in other countries. The status of purebred selection and breeding programme in indigenous duck being undertaken in our country are very few and being documented with reference to world scenario. Crossbreeding experiment using indigenous and exotic breeds in the countries are reported in respect to growth, conformation traits, production, reproduction, carcass quality, egg quality, egg weight and feed conversion ratio. Performance of the crossbred improved in respect to different traits measured compared to the indigenous breed showing heterosis in positive direction. General combining ability, specific combining ability and reciprocal effects are found to be significant for most of the traits studied in a 3×3 diallel cross using indigenous duck of Odisha, Khaki Campbell and White Pekin. The importance of availability of quality germplasm and performance improvement through duck breeding in India is to be taken on priority. Besides this, the conservation and documentation of all the indigenous breeds and variety is need of the hour. Commercial exploitation of indigenous duck breeds as they are well adapted to our harsh climatic conditions needs to be explored.


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Review Article

How to Cite

PADHI, M. K. ., & GIRI, S. C. . (2024). Status of duck breeding in India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(1), 3–10.