Evaluation of polyaxial locking plate system and locking compression plate for tibial fracture repair in goats

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  • CHIMKODE SHASHIKANT Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka 585 226 India
  • D DILIPKUMAR Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka 585 226 India
  • MANJUNATH PATIL Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka 585 226 India



Fracture, Goat, LCP, PAX, Tibia


The present study was conducted to evaluate polyaxial locking plate system (PAX) and locking compression plate (LCP) in twelve tibial fracture of goats. The cases were divided into two groups, viz. group I and group II having six goats in each. Group I and II treated with Polyaxial locking plate system (PAX) and Locking compression plate (LCP), respectively. The two techniques were evaluated on the basis of clinical and radiological changes observed on pre-operative day and at post-operative days 0, 15, 30 and 60. All the animals showed slight to moderate weight bearing from 7th to 15th post-operative day and moderate to good weight bearing by 30th post operative day. Good to excellent weight bearing was achieved by 60th post-operative day. Functional weight bearing was observed in all the groups by day 60. Radiological evaluation revealed that fracture healing in all the groups was through primary callus formation. Initiation of periosteal callus was noticed on day 15 in all the groups. Apparent bridging of the fracture site was noticed in all the groups on day 30. Cortico-medullary union was established on day 60. The complete union and initiation of remodelling of fracture was observed to be earlier in group II, compared to group I. Both Polyaxial Locking plate system and locking compression plates had sufficient strength to provide stability at fracture site but slightly better weight bearing without any complication was observed in animals treated with LCP.


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How to Cite

SHASHIKANT, C. ., DILIPKUMAR, D. ., & PATIL, M. . (2024). Evaluation of polyaxial locking plate system and locking compression plate for tibial fracture repair in goats. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(3), 220–225. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v94i3.147187