Carcass characteristics and meat quality of crossbred pigs fed on different levels of tapioca (Manihot esculenta) root meal

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  • I TZUDIR Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India
  • N SAVINO Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India
  • K C DAS Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India


Carcass, Meat quality, Pig



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Author Biographies

  • I TZUDIR, Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India
  • N SAVINO, Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India
  • K C DAS, Nagaland University, Medziphema, Nagaland 797106 India


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How to Cite

TZUDIR, I., SAVINO, N., & DAS, K. C. (2012). Carcass characteristics and meat quality of crossbred pigs fed on different levels of tapioca (Manihot esculenta) root meal. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82(10), 1248–1250.