Volatility and cointegration in export of livestock and marine products of India

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  • BISHAL GURUNG Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Library Avenue, New Delhi 110 012 India
  • RANJIT KUMAR PAUL Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Library Avenue, New Delhi 110 012 India
  • LAWRENCE LEPCHA Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Library Avenue, New Delhi 110 012 India



GARCH, Instability, Livestock products, Marine products, Volatility


This study was carried out to examine the instability and volatility in the export of livestock and marine products of India. It was found that marine export was a bit more stable and less volatile compared to livestock products export. Further, cointegration between the two was also tested. It was concluded that the two export data series were cointegrated. One of its benefits is that the long-run equilibrium relationship can be modelled by a straightforward regression involving the levels of the variables. Finally, the forecast were also obtained, which were quite reliable.


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How to Cite

GURUNG, B., PAUL, R. K., & LEPCHA, L. (2014). Volatility and cointegration in export of livestock and marine products of India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(11), 1244–1247. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v84i11.44799