Effect of weaning on milking behaviour and temperament of Murrah buffaloes

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  • P K BHARTI ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • TRIVENI DUTT ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • B H M PATEL ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • H O PANDEY ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • MUKESH SINGH ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • G K GAUR ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • REENA KAMAL ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India
  • K K VERMA ICAR-1ndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh 243 122 India



Behaviour, Milking, Murrah buffalo, Suckling, Weaning


The study was conducted to compare the milking behaviour and temperament of Murrah buffaloes due to suckling and weaning at different ages. Initially, 42 recently calved buffaloes were selected and assigned alternately in to 3 groups as suckling (Gr 1), weaning at birth (Gr 2) and weaning on 45th day (Gr 3). The different behavioural parameters of the buffaloes were recorded for the first 15 days of milking/weaning during each milking. The overall average milk let down time was non-significant among the groups. The average milk yield per milking (morning and evening) was significantly (P<0.01) higher in Gr 1 (3.44±0.14 kg) and Gr 2 (3.18±0.46 kg) in comparison to Gr 3 (2.24±0.25 kg). The overall average milking time was significantly (P<0.01) higher in Gr 1 (4.41±0.14 min) than Gr 3 (3.05±0.21 min); however milking time in Gr 2 (4.29±0.41min) was not significantly different from Gr 1. The percent of dams showing stepping behaviour in Gr 1, Gr 2 and Gr 3 was 20.23, 27.57 and 44.11, respectively, and the corresponding value for kicking behaviour was 2.61, 10.60 and 13.39, respectively. The average number of dams showing bellowing behaviour in Gr 1, Gr 2 and Gr 3 was 3.56, 9.09 and 12.66, respectively. Similar trends were observed among the groups as mentioned in stepping and kicking. The percentage of dams which licked calf or looked at milker in Gr 1, Gr 2 and Gr 3 was 34.99, 9.38 and 33.33 respectively. The percentage of dams showing head shaking activity during milking operation in Gr 1, Gr 2 and Gr 3 was 26.42, 0.00 and 10.00 percent, respectively. The overall mean milking temperament score was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Gr 3 (1.73±0.18) than Gr 1 (1.20±0.05) and Gr 2 (1.48±0.17). The success rate of weaning practice in dairy buffaloes was higher at calving than later stage of lactation.


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How to Cite

BHARTI, P. K., DUTT, T., PATEL, B. H. M., PANDEY, H. O., SINGH, M., GAUR, G. K., KAMAL, R., & VERMA, K. K. (2016). Effect of weaning on milking behaviour and temperament of Murrah buffaloes. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(2), 216–220. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v86i2.55845