Surgical management of acquired prepubic hernia in ovines of Kashmir

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  • KHADIM HUSSAIN DAR Sher-e Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir 190 006 India
  • SHAHID USSAIN DAR Sher-e Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir 190 006 India
  • HAKIM ATHAR Sher-e Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir 190 006 India
  • MEHRAJ-U-DIN DAR Sher-e Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir 190 006 India


Anaesthesia, Prepubic hernia, Sheep, Surgery


The present paper describes the surgical management of acquired prepubic hernia due to prepubic tendon rupture in 6 ovines of both sexes (4 pregnant ewes and 2 rams) aged 2.5±0.89 years and weighing 29.5 ± 1.8 kg. The sheep were presented with the complaint of caudal abdominal swelling and reluctance in lying down. The physiological parameters were within normal range. The sheep were operated under diazepam sedation and lumbosacral epidural anaesthesia using 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. Surgical repair was undertaken through a ventral midline incision and simultaneously caesarean section was performed in pregnant cases. All the animals recovered uneventfully.


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How to Cite

DAR, K. H., DAR, S. U., ATHAR, H., & DAR, M.-U.-D. (2016). Surgical management of acquired prepubic hernia in ovines of Kashmir. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(10), 1148–1149.