Factors affecting conception rates in AI bred buffaloes in field conditions

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  • K G BHAVE BAIF Development and Research Foundation, Warje, Pune 411 058 India
  • J R KHADSE BAIF Development and Research Foundation, Warje, Pune 411 058 India
  • Y S GAUNDARE BAIF Development and Research Foundation, Warje, Pune 411 058 India
  • B R MANGURKAR BAIF Development and Research Foundation, Warje, Pune 411 058 India



Artificial insemination, Buffaloes, Conception rate, Logistic regression, Odds ratio


The objective of the study was to identify the factors affecting variation in conception rate of buffaloes inseminated by Murrah bulls’ frozen semen under field conditions. Total of 18,396 insemination records pertaining to 11,793 buffaloes that were inseminated artificially at BAIF’s field AI centers during the period of June 2010 to December 2014 in 3 states. Logistic regression analysis was used to compute the odds ratio and probability of conception rate. Records were classified according to agroclimatic zones, lactation order, season of insemination and body condition score. Agroclimatic zones, lactation order and body condition score showed significant variation. The overall conception rate was 48.01%. Conception rate of western plain zone of Uttar Pradesh was higher than other zones under study. Body condition score 3 was favourable where probability of conception was 0.51. Conception rate of first parity buffaloes was lower than other parities with the probability of 0.46. Conception rate increased in second parity with probability 0.52. Highest conception rate was found in fourth parity with probability 0.53. There was marginal difference between second to fifth parity. Season of insemination did not affect conception rate, however, the distribution of artificial inseminations was higher during the favourable season than that during lean-season. It could be inferred that the factors like agroclimatic zones, lactation order and body condition score should be considered while evaluating the conception rates in buffaloes.


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How to Cite

BHAVE, K. G., KHADSE, J. R., GAUNDARE, Y. S., & MANGURKAR, B. R. (2016). Factors affecting conception rates in AI bred buffaloes in field conditions. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(12), 1401–1404. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v86i12.65963