Effect of beta defensin-1 on post-thaw quality of cryopreserved Barbari buck semen

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  • R RANJAN Senior Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats, Farah, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 122 India
  • S P SINGH Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats, Farah, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 122 India
  • K GURURAJ Scientist, Animal Health Division, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats, Farah, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 122 India
  • S K JINDAL Principal Scientist and Head, Animal Physiology and Reproduction Division, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats, Farah, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 122 India
  • M S CHAUHAN Director, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats, Farah, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 122 India



Artificial insemination, Beta defensin, Goat sperm, Immunomodulator, Semen cryopreservation


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How to Cite

RANJAN, R., SINGH, S. P., GURURAJ, K., JINDAL, S. K., & CHAUHAN, M. S. (2018). Effect of beta defensin-1 on post-thaw quality of cryopreserved Barbari buck semen. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(10), 1160-1162. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijans.v88i10.84085