Selenium concentration in soil, and in the feed and hair coat of Polish Holstein- Friesian cows administered a mineral mixture

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  • KRZYSZTOF GÓRSKI Assistant Professor, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 08-110 Siedlce, Prusa 14, Poland
  • STANISLAW KONDRACKI Professor and Head, Department of Animal Reproduction and Hygiene, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 08-110 Siedlce, Prusa 14, Poland
  • L SABA Professor, Department of Animal Hygiene and Environmental Hazards, University of Life Sciences, Lublin


Dairy cows, Feed, Hair coat, Selenium, Soil


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How to Cite

GÓRSKI, K., KONDRACKI, S., & SABA, L. (2018). Selenium concentration in soil, and in the feed and hair coat of Polish Holstein- Friesian cows administered a mineral mixture. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(10), 1207-1210.