Serological response against foot-and-mouth disease virus to FMD-haemorrhagic septicaemia-black quarter combined vaccine and FMD vaccine alone in sheep and goat

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  • YOGESH KUMAR Product Manager, DUVASU, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 001 India
  • AJAY PRATAP SINGH Assistant Professor, DUVASU, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 001 India
  • RASHMI SINGH Professor and Head, DUVASU, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 001 India


Combined vaccine, FMD, Goat, LPB ELISA, Sheep


Foot-and-mouth disease is subclinical in small ruminants and they may play role in spread of disease. Presently, they are not included in vaccination coverage in India under FMD-control programme. A total of 43 animals including sheep (16) and goat (27) were used for vaccination study by combined vaccine (FMD, HS and BQ) and FMD vaccine alone. Humoral immune response was evaluated by monitoring serum antibody titres against FMDV serotypes O, A and Asia 1 on 30, 60, 90 dpv. In both vaccinated groups, peak antibody titre for all 3 serotypes was obtained on 30 dpv, it remained constant up to day 60 and after that there was gradual decrease at 90 dpv. As in both groups there was no significant difference and protective titre remained upto 90 dpv, use of combined vaccine can be suggested as cost effective strategy.


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How to Cite

KUMAR, Y., SINGH, A. P., & SINGH, R. (2020). Serological response against foot-and-mouth disease virus to FMD-haemorrhagic septicaemia-black quarter combined vaccine and FMD vaccine alone in sheep and goat. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(2), 141-146.